How To Download Game Disc To Xbox 360

Jan 11, 2018 - Open the store page for the game while the disc is in. It will then download the entire game instead of installing the majority of the game off.

  1. How To Download Games Onto My Xbox 360
  2. How To Download Game Disc To Xbox 360 One
  3. How To Download A Game Disc Onto Your Xbox 360
  4. How To Download Game Disc To Xbox 360
Posted bypizzaboy1921 year ago
How to download your games onto xbox 360

PSA: You can still install games even if your game disc is damaged by installing through the store.

How To Download Game Disc To Xbox 360

How To Download Games Onto My Xbox 360

Go to Click the TX link below the. You'll use this program to burn the Xbox 360 game onto a supported DVD. Put in the game disk. Press the middle X button. It should say something to download the disk to the harddrive. If it dosent come up with the download thing try doing it this way. Put in the game disk 2. Go to where you play all your arcade games. Click on the game you just inserted into the xbox. I was reading about how you can install games on your Xbox 360 today. And that the 360 will run the game off the system and not off the disk, but still needs the. Best Answer: With the New Xbox Experience, you can install the game to the Hard Drive. When you place the disc in the tray after you turn the system on, hit Y to select 'Game Details'. Pick 'Install to Hard Drive' and wait for it to finish.

This only works if the Xbox One sees the game but stops the installation partway through.


Open the store page for the game while the disc is in, stop the game installation, and then make sure the store shows the 'Install' button and not the 'buy' button. It will then download the entire game instead of installing the majority of the game off the disc and then downloading the updates.

Had to do this last night when my $10 copy of GTA 5 from eBay stopped installing part way through.

Edit to clarify instructions:

1: insert disc. If the Xbox one sees it as valid, you should be good!

2: mash the hamburger button on the controller when you have the game highlighted on the home screen. It should bring up a menu and 'view in store' should be an option. Pick it.

3: cancel the installation IN THE STORE. It should give you then option to Install. Do that. It will work.

Edit 2: this is the hamburger button

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How To Download Game Disc To Xbox 360 One

I was reading about how you can install games on your Xbox 360 today. And that the 360 will run the game off the system and not off the disk, but still needs the disk in the tray to verify you own the game.

So when I was installing one of my games(GTA4) and I noticed it kept pausing at 39% and then would say the disk was scratched and to take it out and try again, etc. I tryed it a few times and the same thing happened. When I tryed just playing the game off the disk, it loads up but as soon as I walk out of 'Niko's apartment/hangout/loading point', it then pops up and says that the disc is scratched, etc etc. I checked my GTA4 disk and it has a big ring-like scratch around it, clearly caused by the 360. This is the first time my 360 has scratched one of my games. I bought this game in June and its worked fine until now. I never move my system with discs in it or play games with the 360 vertically. I'm puzzled by why the disc got struggled but thats not my question.

How To Download A Game Disc Onto Your Xbox 360

My question is, could I rent/borrow a working copy of GTA4, then install it on my 360 and then still use my scratched disk to run it? In theory, this should work. Because a working copy of the game is installed on my 360 and runs off the system instead of the game being run off the disk. So after I return the working copy back to wherever/whoever I got it from, the 360 will still want a GTA4 disc to verify I own the game, so my scratched disk should still work because its not running the game off the disc, but off the system. And only needs the disc for verification, right?

How To Download Game Disc To Xbox 360

Anyone have any thoughts on this?